Sunday, April 18, 2010

Red Sea, Med. Sea, Dead Sea!

Been there! Done that! Yesterday we took a trip to Eilat, to snorkel in the Red Sea. The reef there is fantastic, but they have it roped off so you can't actually swim over it - there's probably 3 or 4 feet of water above it and the reef itself is at least 10 feet tall. So at the point where it drops off into the "open ocean," there is a rope that the snorklers follow. So, you're swimming in 12-25 ft. deep water, looking at the reef from close by and trying to convince the fish that you're nice, so they'll want to swim all around you - it worked a couple times. Anyway, pictures of the three trips.

Red Sea

Med. Sea

Dead Sea

This was a field trip last week. The water is warm and feels and looks like baby oil. float - you have no choice. It's really fun. And then there's the mud...


  1. That is the best floating in the Dead Sea picture I've ever seen. Usually they're floating on their backs, and I'm thinking, duh. I can do that. But your pose is definitely not possible in a normal pool or ocean. COOOOOOLLL!!!

  2. So, did you see any petrified chariots in the Red Sea? Or mumified Egyptians?
