Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I like takin' pictures and I've been holding out on you guys, so feast!

Old pictures, but you wouldn't know, would you? I love the sky.
Absalom's Pillar. Can you believe this is what we do for homework? Dan, Bentley and I went a-wandering.

We found a little whole to crawl down into...but getting out is a multiple person feat.

We waffled quite a bit on whether or not we should let Dan come out of the hole...

Church of the Holy Sepulchre....from a view that mostly just cats see. We found a way to get on top of the Old City. It felt like Aladdin!

This was by far the best olive grove we found.


My cairns!! At the border, crossing into Israel from Egypt.

At a mosque.

3!0!5! Roommate love over the Nile.

Don't hate me.

Oh, what a kind pharaoh!

Again, don't hate me. Luxor was really quite dreadful.........who am I fooling?!

Queen Hatshepsut locked her step-son in the palace for years and assumed his rule. Crazy woman. Good thing there's no resemblance, huh?

You know, a trck full of camels. Small kine.

The nerve.... Ummm...flashback to Egypt!

Flowers are....

what my camera...

does best.

SPELUNKING IN MICAH'S CAVE ~ I could barely fit one shoulder through the hole I'm sticking out of, let alone two......but I didn't even try. "Stuck" is probably my least favorite word, not to mention feeling.....

Heehee. . . Now you know!
Argh! My other video deleted! Check out facebook until I can re-upload the other one.
So, happy winter! Enjoy America!


  1. Someone really needs to comment on these photos, 'cuz they're freakin' AWESOME! It's great to have some photos to put with the stories. So good to see you having such a great time! Keep up the good blogging!

  2. looking good! Even the dead pharaohs want to kiss you. But the video where you're wearing that awesome colored beanie wouldn't play. bummer. I like the other do-rag you're wearing looks cool.

  3. oh never mind I guess I had to log on ha
