Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Who wouldn't miss Hawaii?

Honestly, I don't know why I didn't get into this sooner. I could have been documenting my awesomely crazy adventures. For the last year and a half I've called Hawaii home (sorry, Mom). Aside from my mission in the Midwest, it was the best year and a half of my life and shaped my future in so many ways, one of which is called Adam. ;)

It was a big venture for me to step out of the comfort of my small bubble on the mainland (USA) and make my first trip out to the little islands alone, as it would last four months. But I did it and fell in love right away. I can't make a sufficient list to describe the unique and wonderful experiences I was able to have there, and really, this blog isn't even about Hawaii, so I continue. I knew my time there would end eventually, but before it did, I started making plans for my next awesome adventure: Israel!

Right now I'm home for Christmas, a short interim between paradise and the Holy Land. I left behind coral beaches, the Ko'olau range, two pillows, and my fiance to tour the Near East for 4 months. If you're wondering what I'm thinking, you're not alone. There are times I wonder that too. But I couldn't pass up this opportunity, so hurdles were cleared, graduation dates altered, lots of little fees paid, and now all that stands in my way own absent-mindedness and a stinkin' bank holiday. So please pray that my federal financial aid is processed REALLY quickly or this is gonna be an awful short Jerusalem blog.


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